Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Garden’s opening hours?
There are no official opening hours, the Garden is open seven days a week.
Please be aware however that due to the nature of the Garden – its embankments, paths, steps and lack of lighting – it is recommended that you visit during daylight hours.
Suitable walking shoes are also recommended.
Is the Garden free to enter?
As a public space the Garden is free of charge.
It is maintained by gardeners employed by Wendy Whiteley together with the support of North Sydney Council and assisted by a group of volunteers.
How do I get to the Garden?
To enjoy the local area to its fullest we encourage a visit using public transport.
Please be aware there is no directional street signage to Wendy’s Secret Garden. This helps keep the Garden ‘secret’, protects the sanctuary it brings to visitors, and helps limit potential damage from vandals.
For more information on how to get to the Garden and planning your journey please visit Transport NSW’s Trip Planner website. This website also includes a list of apps that support accessible travel.
Alternatively, please check our garden location page for specific maps of the area.
The closest local train stations are Milsons Point and North Sydney stations.
Milsons Point Station (via Lavender Street)
Option 1: Take Alfred Street exit. Turn right and continue along Alfred Street until the roundabout at Lavender Street. Turn left onto Lavender Street. Access to the Garden can be found via Harbourview Crescent or Clark Park, both located off Lavender Street. This is the easiest way to access the Garden.
Milsons Point Station (via Luna Park)
Option 2: Take Alfred Street exit. Turn left and continue down Alfred Street until you reach Luna Park. Walk along Lavender Bay boardwalk and the Peter Kingston walkway until Lavender Bay Wharf (and Quibaree Park public toilet). Turn right up the stairs (passing underneath the railway line) and the Wendy’s Secret Garden is on your right.
North Sydney Train Station
Turn left out of the station along Blue Street to Blues Point Road. Turn left and continue along Blues Point Road until you reach Lavender Street. Turn left. Continue along Lavender Street until the stairs at the start of Lavender Crescent. Take the stairs down and Wendy’s Secret Garden is on your left.
The closest ferry wharf is Milsons Point with services running regularly to / from Circular Quay and Darling Harbour. Follow the directions from Luna Park.
McMahons Point ferry wharf is also located close by however it will take longer to reach the Garden from this wharf.
Sydney buses run daily services to the area with the closest bus stops located on Alfred Street, Milsons Point; Lavender Street, Lavender Bay; Blues Point Road, McMahons Point and North Sydney train station.
For specific route services relevant to your area visit Transport NSW’s Trip Planner website.
From the Rocks and Sydney City
If you are visiting the garden from the Rocks or Sydney City, consider talking a stroll over the Harbour Bridge. Once on the Bridge, follow local signage and directions to Milsons Point Train Station (where public toilets are available) then use the options provided above to find the Garden.
Parking around the Garden on public streets is limited and metered.
NOTE: There is no ability to directly access the Garden or the adjacent Clark Park by car or motorcycle.
Are there toilets (or water) in the Garden?
The closest public toilet is in Quibaree Park, located at the bottom of the Walker Street steps adjacent to the Garden. Whilst this is an accessible facility, the quickest way to the facility requires use of the stairs.
An alternate route with limited stairs can be accessed via Lavender Crescent.
Quibaree Park also has a water fountain providing free drinking water.
Public toilets can also be found in Luna Park, Milsons Point Train Station and Bradfield Park (Fitzroy Street).
Is the Garden accessible or wheelchair / pram friendly?
Wendy’s Secret Garden has been established over 20 years along a steep embankment. There is a continuity of steep ramps from Harborview Cres to the bottom of the Garden but the Garden includes steps, many terraced walkways and meandering paths. These are not level, many are steep and most are covered with bark chip.
Easiest access (without steps) into the Garden is via the entry located opposite the Kirribilli Club, next to the Lavender Bay (Kirribilli) War Memorial.
Alternatively, the Garden and the Harbour can be viewed from under its iconic fig tree in the Garden’s upper tier. Wheelchair, pram and limited mobility access extends only to Clark Park which adjoins the Garden (off Harbourview Crescent).
I have a gardening (large) group who are hoping to visit. Is there someone we can speak to or take us on a tour at the Garden?
Gardeners are onsite 6 days a week from 7am to 3pm.
For all enquiries regarding group bookings please see the North Sydney Council’s website.
Telephone: 02 9936 8100 Email:
Who do I speak to if I want to get married or hold a party in the Garden?
For all enquiries regarding garden hire and fees please see the North Sydney Council’s website.
Telephone: 02 9936 8100 Email:
Visit the Council’s website for additional information on the Lavender Bay Parklands .
General use:
The Garden is wonderful for small children’s parties and family gatherings, There is no need to book for small groups unless you wish to reserve a particular area, for exclusive use
Can I take my dog into the Garden?
North Sydney is a dog-friendly area and all Council parks and public reserves are off-leash. There are a few exceptions in playgrounds close to Wendy’s Secret Garden so please make yourself aware of these restrictions prior to your visit. More information can be found at the North Sydney Council website.
If you bring your dog to the Garden, Please do not let it run through the garden beds and PLEASE CLEAN UP AFTER IT.
Can I film or fly drones in the Garden?
If you are considering Wendy’s Secret garden or any surrounding areas for film production or still photography please visit the North Sydney Council website regarding approvals.
The safety laws for flying drones or remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) in Australia are outlined within Australia’s Civil Aviation Safety Regulations Part 101. Operators who wish to do so in the area are expected to strictly adhere to and comply with Australian safety law.
Is there a cafe or restaurant on site?
We feel the best way to enjoy the garden is to bring a picnic and enjoy one of the many tables and chairs dotted throughout the Garden.
If however you’re looking to take in a local café, restaurant, pub or bar the closest facilities are located within the Kirribilli Club, a not-for-profit registered RSL Club directly across the road. Good ‘pub meals’ are available at the Blues Point Hotel in Blues Point Road, McMahons Point.
There are also a vast range of cafés, restaurants, and dining and bar options just a 5 to 10-minute walk away in Milsons Point, McMahons Point or in Kirribilli or North Sydney (10 minutes).
How can I get involved?
The Garden’s volunteers are important to its ongoing maintenance and development and new volunteers are always welcome.
Volunteer gardeners are coordinated by the Lavender Bay Precinct. Please contact to register your interest or ask any questions.
There are no rubbish bins in the Garden, please take ALL your rubbish home with you (including Cigarette butts)